WINE PARIS & VINEXPO PARIS 2025Products & Services Dr. Zenzen® Riesling Bag-in-Box 3L

Dr. Zenzen® Riesling Bag-in-Box 3L

Einig-Zenzen GmbH & Co. KG

Perfect for larger rounds or at home. For grilling, partying, picnicking. Easy transportation, keeps fresh for longer!

This wine is characterized by a harmonious balance of acidity, body and extract. The bouquet is often described as apricots, peaches and roses, but it is actually the uniqueness that makes the fine and noble grape fruitiness.

Dr. Zenzen® Riesling Bag-in-Box 3L

Dr. Zenzen® Riesling Bag-in-Box 3L

Dr. Zenzen® Riesling Bag-in-Box 3L

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