Fürstlich Castell´sches Domänenamt e.K
With a slope of up to 55%, it is the highest point in the village and is named after the old castle, the ancestral seat of the House of Castell. There is documentary evidence that the Schlossberg has been planted with vines rooted in slatey gypsum keuper since 1266. The gypsum keuper here is characterised by a high proportion of alabaster. The raw soil with only a very thin layer of humus-rich topsoil forces the vines in this VDP.GROSSEN LAGE to drive their roots into the primary rock, the Myophoria and Estheria layers. This decisively characterises the wines and makes the minerality of the soil palpable. The long-lasting evening sun and favourable westerly winds produce aromatically concentrated, balanced and long-lasting Silvaner wines.
Herbal and ethereal spices alternate with bright hints of acacia and jasmine on the nose. The terroir of the gypsum keuper is complex and dense, with a hint of tannin and a fine acid structure on the palate. Juicy, yet extremely long-lasting, our Silvaner from the Schlossberg impresses with its radiant elegance and complexity.